Can the work be stopped because of legal proceedings?

The Council of State’s interim relief judge has rejected the objections of opponents and ruled that ONE-Dyas can continue offshore operations for the N05-A gas development project. In its ruling, the Council of State stated that it did not see any reason to suspend offshore operations pending the outcome of the appeal, which will be heard at a date to be determined. This decision of the Council of State cannot be appealed and therefore ONE-Dyas can immediately proceed with its planned activities in the North Sea.

How long does it take to drill a well?

The drilling of the wells is done with a mobile drilling rig, the drilling platform. The drilling platform is right next to and partly over the production platform. It is larger and higher than the production platform. Drilling takes place continuously (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). On average, a well takes three months to drill. Drilling a sidetrack takes about a month and a half.

How will local suppliers and contractors be involved in the installation of the platform?

The construction of the platform is done in the Netherlands and ONE-Dyas also works with almost exclusively Dutch companies for the materials, installation and transport of platform N05-A. It is a conscious choice that contributes to the local economy and preserves employment, knowledge and infrastructure that we desperately need now and in the future for the energy transition. It also minimises emissions from transport movements.

Are the installation works visible from the mainland?

In some cases, operations in the North Sea are visible from the mainland in clear weather. The boat installing the production platform and drilling rig is larger than the final production platform. These boats are on site for several days to weeks after which they leave again.

Below are two photos taken from the shore in 2017 when the drilling rig was on site. Note! This is a drilling rig, it is larger than the final production platform.

Figure 1: Photo of the drilling rig in 2017 from Schiermonnikoog. The top right shows an example of a drilling and production platform together.

Figure 2: Photo of the drilling rig from the promenade of Borkum (Germany), with Riffgat wind farm on the right

When will activities begin in the North Sea?

Work in the North Sea is in full swing. There are four main components for the installation: placing the platform, drilling the gas extraction wells, laying short gas pipeline between the already existing pipeline and the platform; and laying the electricity cable from the platform to the German wind farm. The platform is already placed.

When and in what order the work will take place is yet to be agreed with contracted parties.

When will construction work begin?

After obtaining the N05-A development permit from the Dutch government on 1 June 2022, ONE-Dyas, together with partners EBN and Hansa Hydrocarbons, made the final investment decision in September 2022. A decision involving an amount of over EUR 500 million.

Shortly afterwards, concrete preparations began, such as contracting companies for the construction of the pipeline to the NGT pipeline and of the cable for the electrification of the platform, for the drilling of the well and, of course, for the construction and installation of the platform.

In December 2022, construction work on the platform started at the Schiedam yard, with the aim of completing the platform for installation in the North Sea by summer 2024.

What does Borkum gain from this development?

The gas will become available to Dutch and German households, and therefore also to Borkum. Borkum is at the centre of the energy transition, with a wind farm just off the coast and a gas extraction project 20 km away. It is conceivable that knowledge of the subsurface and energy transition could be used for energy issues on the island. We are happy to discuss this.