A gas production project has an impact on the environment. That is why ONE-Dyas has described all the possible effects of the required activities.
ONE-Dyas is aware of the importance of the North Sea. An area that is intensively used for energy production, fishing, food cultivation, transport, recreation and experiencing nature. In addition to a strict safety policy and extensive protocols that ensure continuous improvements in operations and processes, ONE-Dyas examines all possible impacts of its projects with a focus on the possibilities of reducing or, if possible, eliminating these. ONE-Dyas does this in consultation with experts and the parties involved, so that their experiences, knowledge, wishes and insights are optimally taken into account. For example, it is also possible to look at how possible positive effects can be optimised. It is known, for example, that the installation of platforms adds a hard surface that has a positive effect on marine life. There will not be any fishing in the area for a long time and the seabed will thus remain undisturbed. Experience gained from other gas production projects shows that this can lead to a high level of biodiversity on and around the platforms and pipelines.
Since the spring of 2018, ONE-Dyas has been holding discussions with German and Dutch stakeholders, such as nature organisations and local, provincial and national authorities, in order to obtain the best possible understanding of the environment of the GEMS area. As far as possible, the information, knowledge and insights from these discussions have been incorporated into the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that is now available for public consultation as part of the permit applications. The EIR examines and describes the effects on the environment, nature and the surroundings, the implementation variants and the choices made. The views submitted on the Notification (Mededeling) have also been incorporated into this Environmental Impact Assessment.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK) has published all documents on the website www.rvo.nl/gaswinning-N05. There you will also find more information on how to submit your views and ask questions.
Naturally, you can always contact ONE-Dyas directly if you have any questions about this project.