First production well N05-A drilled

In autumn, ONE-Dyas drilled the first well from which natural gas can be produced from field N05-A in the Dutch part of the North Sea. Soon, the production well will be connected to the Dutch natural gas network via the production platform. This connection ensures that the gas is connected to end-users.

Dutch minister Hermans responds to questions

27 September 2024

On 26 September 2024, Climate and Green Growth Minister Hermans answered parliamentary questions regarding gas extraction project N05-A. As Minister Hermans wrote in the parliamentary letter of 9 September: ‘It is important that the gas is still produced this winter, especially also because the Groningen field was permanently closed this spring, so that less gas has to be imported. This gas production thus contributes to the security of gas supply to the Netherlands. In addition, this gas has a lower carbon footprint than imported gas, thus contributing positively to global climate goals.’

Link to the questions and answers

Permits for gas production project N05-A in the North Sea now complete

19 August 2024

The Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG), part of the Lower Saxony Ministry for Economy,Transport, Construction and Digitalization, has granted ONE-Dyas the permits for the development of the N05-A gas field and surrounding prospects in the German part of the North Sea. This means that ONE-Dyas now has all approvals in Germany and the Netherlands for this Dutch-German energy project in the North Sea.

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NLWKN ordered immediate enforceability of all permits

24 July 2024

The construction of an undersea cable between ONE-Dyas’ gas production platform N05-A and the German wind farm RIFFGAT in the North Sea can start. The Lower Saxony Department for Water, Coastal and Nature Conservation (NLWKN) had already granted the permits to ONE-Dyas in 2022, but has now issued another permit as a precautionary measure and ordered the immediate enforceability of all permits.

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